About Us
The Movie Hub is the place where movie lovers can watch exciting new film releases from all the major Hollywood studios as soon as they are available. The Movie Hub is a Premium video on demand service offered by Screendollars in partnership with Row8.The Movie Hub is the place where movie lovers can watch exciting new film releases from all the major Hollywood studios as soon as they are available. The Movie Hub is a Premium video on demand service offered by Screendollars in partnership with Row8.

Why Movie Hub?
Rent / Buy
Fresh Content

Steeped In The Industry
Screendollars is a trusted, independent voice for the film industry. We report on the news that matters to the business of film exhibition and distribution. We highlight the movies and trends that are shaping today’s industry. We communicate daily with 100,000 industry professionals through our website, newsletters and social media channels.

Helping Exhibitors Thrive
xhibitors: step into a bright future by increasing your profitability and expanding your audience. Improve your bottom line with Screendollars sponsorships and advertising programs. Expand your relationship with movie-goers by offering them at-home viewing of current Hollywood releases through your own video-on demand film rental service.

Exhibitors, consider playing the Popcorn Previews channel in your theatres, on your website and through social media. Distributors, consider including your films in the Popcorn Previews channel, to showcase them to the industry and the general public.